Monday, April 26, 2010

Honeymoon! Part One: BOSTON

Here we are at the airport...waiting patiently for my Mom to bring my "forgotten" wallet...we were already running behind (BIG surprise!)
Here is Brad doing a GREAT job of being the sweet, understanding, patient husband who simply adores his unorganized and forgetful new wife.
Our first day in Boston was spent walking the Freedom Trail! Boston is such a beautiful place...we couldn't get over how green and quiet it was. Later we discovered it was Patriot's Day...and the Boston Marathon that drew much of Boston's inhabitants and guests to Copley Place. We had a great time having the city to ourselves for a while...but really, who starts their day at 7am unless you are on your way to work?
We ate dinner at GRILL23....highly recommend it if you're in the area!
All the best things in life begin with B! Those including...Boston Red Sox (above) & Bosters (below)!!!

On our last day in Boston we finished up shopping on Newbury St. (my favorite street!) and finished up the Freedom Trail, while still "finding" time to visit Mike's Pastry & Little Italy.

One of the best cities in America!!!
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